Этот раздел еще не доделан ;) но письма Ваши будут обязательно прочтены и обработаны (в смысле живыми мозгами). copyfolder@yahoo.com
Join the FreeDOS mailing list:
The Kernel mailing list:
The FreeCOM (FreeDOS command.com) mailing list:
FreeDOS Internationalization Project:
Other FreeDOS-related groups and mailing lists:
Imre Lebr has started an e-group for Free-Defrag:
The FreeDOS GUI mailing list:
The C Compiler Mailing List:
- Subscribe using the form at
(formerly "findmail").
- Not usually an active newsgroup, because not everyone's news
server will carry the alt.* groups. But a good place to go to if
you know your question is specific to FreeDOS. Just don't expect an
immediate response.
- The newsgroup to visit if you have questions about writing
programs to run under MS-DOS or FreeDOS.
- If you have a general question about FreeDOS, this is a good
group to ask. A lot of FreeDOS experts hang out here!